NW ・NL series are 1~4 needle flatbed, high speed, high performance coverstitch machine. Suitable for any type of fabric and operation such as plain seam, covering, attaching elastic lace, taping, pocket facing, shell stitching ,tape binding, etc.
Stitch length can be adjusted by push button easily (max. 4.2mm, 6 stitch/inch).
Thanks to Kansai’s cutting edge technologies, you can achieve uniform, and beautiful stitch formation with N series.
CS-1: Chain cutter
FL: Pneumatic foot lifter
EW: Electric wiper
AW: Pneumatic wiper
AB : Air blow
MC31FA: Air type cutter
MC31FE: Electric tape cutter
WD: Dual stitch device
TL: Stitch lock device
AP: Air presser foot
LED: LED light set
NW・NL seriesCover stitch machine

NW8803GMG (Maltiple Gauge)
NW8842-1/CS-1 (Pocket facing + Chain cutter)
NL5802GL (Line tape attaching)
NL5803GP-PH (Pocket Hemming)
NL Automatic machine for pocket hemming
NW8803G-1S (Shell stitch)
comprehensive catalog
Please click here to download KANSAI SPECIAL general catalog.(PDF:51.4 MB)
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